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15 October 2010

News: U.S. Department of Labor Blackmails Companies That Do Not Discriminate Against Whites

The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has an entire department devoted to blackmailing federal contractors into paying millions of dollars to nonwhites if they do not give job preference to blacks or Hispanics over whites.

The shocking state of affairs has come to light with the news that the second-largest bottler of Coca-Cola products in the nation, NC-based Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated, has been forced by the DOL to pay out $495,000 to settle a federal case in which blacks and Hispanics merely claimed to be have been overlooked for jobs.

The money is for “back wages” plus interest to 95 black and Hispanic applicants who applied for sales positions in 2002.

In addition, the Coca-Cola Bottling Company, which is a separate entity from the manufacturer of that drink, has agreed to offer jobs to those applicants until at least 23 are hired.

The ruling came about after the DOL’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs or OFCCP, under the directorship of Patricia Shiu, ruled that nonwhite applicants were not being hired at the same rate as qualified white applicants by the private company.

Faced with an endless lawsuit and possible loss of their federal contractor status, the Coca-Cola Bottling Company gave in and paid up, despite issuing a statement denying the charges completely.
“The company agreed to the settlement, but admits no wrongdoing in the case,” read an official state issued by Alison Patient, director of corporate affairs at the company.

“Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated did not and does not discriminate against any person for any reason,” the statement said. “There were legitimate non-discriminatory reasons for not hiring certain applicants who are the subject of this claim.”

Ms. Shiu, who has a long background in litigation for all manner of spurious “discrimination” claims (which always consist of white people being blamed for nonwhite problems) said in her official reaction that “being a federal contractor is a privilege that comes with an obligation to ensure equal opportunity in employment.”

The obvious implicit threat — that if the Coca-Cola Bottling Company did not instantly give in to these outrageous demands, it would lose its federal contractor status — is a deeply disturbing development which is little short of blackmail.

According to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) “Interim Guidance on the use of Race and Ethnic Categories in Affirmative Action Programs,” all employers, including federal contractors, are required to report data about the racial, ethnic, and gender composition of their workforces.

The reports must break down workforce data into nine job categories and six race and ethnic categories. The racial categories are:
- Two or more races;
- Asian;
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.
- Blacks;
- Hispanics; and
- American Indians/Alaskan Natives.

Furthermore, the OFCCP website informs us, Executive Order 11246 “requires Government contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that equal opportunity is provided in all aspects of their employment.”

This means that OFCCP’s jurisdiction covers approximately 26 million or nearly 22 percent of the total civilian workforce.

“Affirmative action is necessary to prevent discrimination and to address stereotypical thinking and biases that still impede employment opportunity,” the website says, making the usual assumption that all whites are racist and that the only reason why nonwhites don’t do any better is because all whites are inherently evil and racist.

* According to her official biography on the DOL website, prior to being appointed Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs by President Obama, Ms. Shiu served as the Vice President for Programs at the Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center in San Francisco.

There she had worked on “primarily employment discrimination, including sex, LGBT, national origin, disability and race-based discrimination and harassment individual and class action cases.”

She has also received the overtly racially-based “Pacific Asian American Bay Area Coalition’s Women Warrior Award” during her career. Observers have speculated if someone who had won a “Western European American Bay Area Coalition’s Women Warrior Award” would have been appointed to a senior federal position. Unlikely is not the word.

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